The Emergent Legacy Builder

It’s Not Just About Being Seen.
It’s About Being Chosen.

"The opportunity is here and Ed's going to take you there..."

Kevin Harrington

"Decades of business knowledge, insight, and charisma, Ed get things done."
Jason Marsdale

"Ed equips people with the right tools, knowledge, and mindset to win, consistently. He built the strategy, created a winning attitude and culture, leading his territory to its best year ever in our company's 13-year history. Ed gets results. I would highly recommend Ed if anyone has a chance to work with him. He’s results driven and has a great personal and business temperament."

─ Geoff Mirkin, Owner, Solar Enery World

Emergent Legacy Building is at the core of everything we do.

For corporate executives, seasoned entrepreneurs, and agency owners alike, the challenge isn’t just in launching a business or crafting a winning campaign;

…it’s in carving out a space where your agency/enterprise isn’t just seen—it’s chosen.

This goes to the heart of how we show up in the world, and how we’re telling our clients to do the same!

This distinction, while subtle, is what separates the great from the good, turning a digital marketing agency into more than a company; 

…it transforms it into a valued asset, a beacon in the digital marketplace that not only attracts clients but keeps them coming back, while referring you to their friends and associates. 

All while doing GREAT MARKETING for your clients!

We’re not about shortcuts or one-size-fits-all solutions. 

It’s about creating a legacy, the long game, and outliving the buzz and the shiny object syndrome.

This approach is either going to resonate deeply with you, or make you run the other way as fast as possible.

Building a legacy type business will require more than just technical know-how. 

It’s a culinary blend of art and science, intuition, and data. 

It involves understanding not just the metrics that measure success but the stories behind these numbers—the human connection that your agency creates between brands and their audiences.

In this constantly evolving landscape, where algorithms change as quickly as consumer preferences, standing out is about embracing a new way of thinking. 

When you deliver delight for your clients… you’re simultaneously building an asset that supports the lifestyle you desire, the dreams you harbor, and the goals you set.

This new way of building isn’t just about adopting the latest digital trends or tools; it’s about fostering a culture of innovation, curiosity, and resilience. 

It’s about building a team that’s not afraid to push boundaries, ask the tough questions, and drive meaningful change. Because at the end of the day, the success of your agency—and its ability to be chosen time and again—rests on the people behind it, their passion, their creativity, and your leadership.

But let’s be honest: navigating this journey can be daunting. It requires a willingness to take risks, to learn from failure, and to adapt with agility. 

It demands a level of sincerity and honesty in every interaction, ensuring that every campaign, every strategy, and every piece of content resonates with authenticity.

As we keep talking about this, remember: this isn’t a sales pitch

In fact, subscribing to Emergent Legacy Builders email newsletter email is 100% Free!

It’s more of a dialogue about reimagining the way we build and scale digital marketing agencies. 

It’s about understanding that in a world where anyone can be seen, the real magic lies in being chosen. 

And achieving that isn’t just good for business—it’s essential for creating a lasting impact, for your clients, your team, and yourself.

This email newsletter will magically drop in your inbox every Thursday 10am, East Coast time.

It will cover topics like:

  • How to build, scale, and exit your agency for 7 figure paydays if you wish it

  • Mindset and inner game necessary to succeed in legacy building

  • How to increase your enterprise value –Smart growth and scale!

  • How to do marketing that works but doesn’t piss people off

  • How to hire, manage, and grow your team

  • How to operate and 3X a digital marketing agency and still get home in time for dinner

  • Metrics, reporting, documentation, analytics, SOPs – All necessary to build it right!

In a world where helpful information is as ubiquitous as air, accessible with just a click, it becomes mere background noise. 

Our approach goes beyond providing information; we craft insights. 

These aren't just data points or tips; they're the confluence of our experience and expertise, molded into something genuinely engaging, unique, and thought-provoking.

This email series is your gateway to such insights, designed to shift your perception and illuminate your path in ways you've never anticipated. 

As you revisit these messages, you'll likely uncover new layers of understanding, previously unseen, waiting for the right moment to reveal themselves to you.

Dive in and enjoy the journey.

The invitation now lies before you.

If you're ready to embark on what we call Emergent Legacy Building, simply complete the form below.

See you in your inbox.


Copyright © 2024 Legacy Agency Builders. Privacy / Terms & Conditions

INCOME DISCLAIMER: The achievements shared in testimonials from our Legacy Agency Builders (LAB) program participants reflect individual, real-life experiences of those who have engaged with our materials and community. These testimonials do not guarantee or predict any outcome for other participants. Success in the LAB program, as in any business endeavor, depends on personal dedication, effort, and a variety of individual factors.

While LAB provides extensive resources, training, and support aimed at boosting your digital marketing agency's potential, we do not promise or guarantee any specific financial results. Every business venture involves risk, including the possibility of loss. The level of success you attain from applying the strategies and tools offered in the program is dependent upon your own skills, effort, and circumstances.

By joining LAB, you acknowledge that your success is contingent upon your own actions and commitment, and that outcomes can vary significantly from participant to participant.